The heroes should jump on the Tiki Goon first, then land on this shaking basalt platform (the Kongs don't have to, but The heroes jump to the first shaking basalt platform after the rock platform. Here, the heroes should immediately jump over a gap with a Flaming Tiki Buzz in it and land on another shaking basalt platform. Here, the Kongs should immediately jump onto a crumbling, wooden platform. It would be #1 pick of the week. I felt that the issue was efinitely a good setup for the Cosmic crossover coming up. They probably used Thanos's name instead of the normal Guardians book to boost
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As an absolute last resort, put the baby in the crib and call 911. Tell them you are losing your temper, that the baby won't stop crying, and that you need help immediately. They will send someone to ensure you don't hurt the child and refer you to social services so you will have someone to contact if the problem persists, Being on a river during a storm is a great photo opportunity since storms often follow river basins and can be the catalyst for dramatic and quick changing light conditions. My last experience with river storm light was just last month while packrafting down the Huon River in Tasmania. I included two photos I took during that trip
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